At Unlag we LOVE to geek out over our product, over how jet lag effects your body, and the ingredients within our supplements. This page is a lot of text. If you’re not interested in the nitty gritty details about how our product works then you don’t need this page.
Unlag offers a holistic and effective approach to bidding farewell to jetlag, ensuring that you arrive at your destination feeling refreshed and ready to dive into your adventures. Here’s how it works:
1. Synchronization with the Unlag App: Unlag utilizes a comprehensive approach by combining the power of both an app and specially formulated supplements. No matter if your travels take you eastward or westward, our app plays a crucial role in helping your body phase shift seamlessly into the new time zone. Say goodbye to those groggy, disoriented days—it’s time to take control of your circadian rhythm.
2. Aligning Your Sleep Schedule: Traveling can be stressful, and adjusting to a new sleep schedule can be challenging. That’s where Unlag comes to the rescue. Our app not only helps you align your internal clock with your destination but also offers personalized guidance on when to sleep and when to wake up. This ensures you smoothly transition into your new time zone, so you can enjoy your vacation or work trip without the hassles of jetlag.
But what IS phase shifting? How do we know it’s the best method for helping you fight off jet lag? As you might have guessed: We love research, we love science, and we love backing up our claims.
Eliminating Jet Lag – The Phase Shift
Phase shifting is an approach to minimizing the effects of jet lag, which is a circadian rhythm disruption caused by crossing multiple time zones rapidly, as often experienced during air travel. The core concept of phase shifting involves adjusting the body’s internal clock, which is out of sync with the new time zone, leading to symptoms such as sleep problems and daytime drowsiness
Pre-shifting the circadian rhythm before travel is one method used to alleviate jet lag. The idea is to reduce the time needed to adapt to the local time cues at the destination, making the symptoms of jet lag less severe and shorter in duration
The science behind these interventions is based on the relationship between light exposure and the internal circadian clock. Proper light exposure upon arrival at the destination can help realign the circadian clock with the new time zone
The Supplements
So now you know that our Unlag app uses the power of science to help you fight off jet lag, what exactly are the supplements doing? Do you even NEED supplements? Are these using homeopathy?
Let’s be clear that we don’t believe that homeopathic remedies work. We believe in the rigors of the peer review system of science and while it’s not perfect it’s the best system we have to not only make sure that what you are putting into your body is effective but also that it’s safe. Our number one concern at Unlag is making sure you are having a good time and your safety is key to that happening.
Night Blend
The Unlag Night Blend is comprised of 4 high quality ingredients. We use minimal ingredients to help have the least impact on your body and avoid as many side effects as possible while getting your body ready to take on your adventure. The four ingredients for the Night Blend are:
Basically: Good for your gut letting you eat the local foods without it coming back to haunt you later.
Probiotics, defined as live microorganisms beneficial to health when taken in adequate amounts, are known to support gut health and immune function. While they might not directly influence the circadian rhythm, their role in maintaining gut microbiota balance is critical, particularly during travel when dietary changes can cause digestive disturbances. Clinical evidence suggests that probiotics can help manage gastrointestinal conditions like irritable bowel syndrome (IBS) and may offer protective benefits against infections by bolstering the body’s natural defenses. Their use is recommended by some health specialists for various digestive issues, as they have been shown to be safe and effective in modulating gut dysbiosis, which is linked to a range of digestive diseases
You can learn more about probiotics and why we chose to include them on our page dedicated to probiotics, why we use them, and the cool science behind them on their own dedicated Probiotics page.
Basically: Helps you sleep faster and more deeply getting your body on your new sleep schedule.
Melatonin plays a crucial role in regulating sleep-wake cycles and is widely recognized for its effectiveness in combating jet lag-induced sleep disturbances. Research shows that melatonin can help re-synchronize the body’s circadian rhythms with the external day-night cycle after crossing multiple time zones, thus reducing the severity of jet lag symptoms. A review of various studies indicated that melatonin supplementation decreased jet lag in the majority of cases, particularly when crossing five or more time zones. Although not officially approved by the FDA for this purpose, healthcare providers commonly recommend melatonin as a safe, first-line sleep aid and a practical measure to promote regular sleep patterns for travelers dealing with time zone changes
This is just a small taste of the amazing thing melatonin is. Please view the dedicated Melatonin page for more information about melatonin, its history, and why we use it.
Basically: Good for sleep health, good for increased blood flow and circulation.
Magnesium supplementation has been shown to aid in relaxation and improve sleep quality, which can be particularly beneficial for travelers. Studies indicate that magnesium can decrease the time it takes to fall asleep and may increase overall sleep time and efficiency, making it easier to unwind and reduce muscle tension after a long day of travel. While the direct impact on sleep time was not always statistically significant, the consistent findings across studies suggest a positive effect on sleep health. Additionally, magnesium has been associated with stress management, with research highlighting improved outcomes in individuals with magnesium deficiencies suffering from symptoms like irritability and sleep disorders, further underscoring its potential utility for those dealing with travel-related stress
If you also think magnesium is pretty metal, you should view our page dedicated to all the benefits of Magnesium.
Basically: Good reducing both mental and physical stress and inflammation.
Ashwagandha, a traditional Ayurvedic adaptogen, has demonstrated efficacy in reducing stress and anxiety in clinical studies, with a notable impact on biological stress markers such as cortisol levels. Its anxiolytic effects are supported by improvements in both subjective stress scores and hormonal balances, suggesting a moderating influence on the hypothalamus-pituitary-adrenal axis. Additionally, it has been associated with better sleep quality, especially in those with stress-related sleep disturbances. The herb’s combined stress-reducing, anti-anxiety, sleep-enhancing, and anti-inflammatory properties, due to its bioactive compounds, make it a potentially beneficial supplement for travelers coping with the various demands of travel
Ashwagandha is a really cool plant and if you are interested in knowing more about it, we have a whole web page dedicated to how cool Ashwagandha is.
Morning Blend
Much like our night blend we have selected only 4 ingredients for our morning blend. Each chosen to help you get the best experience out of your day.
Basically: Wakes you up in the morning but without the jitters that you get from coffee
Guarana, a plant native to the Amazon, is a rich source of caffeine and is often cited for its benefits in boosting energy and mental focus. Unlike the caffeine found in coffee, guarana’s effects are described as slower-burning, longer-lasting, and more intense, which might translate to sustained alertness over a longer period
Guarana is cool because the plant looks like little monster eyes. If you want to learn more about this plant, its history, where it comes from, and all sorts of other facts you should check out the Guarana page.
Vitamin D
Basically: .
Melatonin plays a crucial role in regulating sleep-wake cycles and is widely recognized for its effectiveness in
Basically: Good for sleep health, good for increased blood flow and circulation.
Magnesium supplementation has been shown to aid in relaxation and improve sleep quality, which can be particularly beneficial for travelers. Studies indicate that magnesium can decrease the time it takes to fall asleep and may increase overall sleep time and efficiency, making it easier to unwind and reduce muscle tension after a long day of travel. While the direct impact on sleep time was not always statistically significant, the consistent findings across studies suggest a positive effect on sleep health. Additionally, magnesium has been associated with stress management, with research highlighting improved outcomes in individuals with magnesium deficiencies suffering from symptoms like irritability and sleep disorders, further underscoring its potential utility for those dealing with travel-related stress
If you also think magnesium is pretty metal, you should view our page dedicated to all the benefits of Magnesium.
Basically: Good reducing both mental and physical stress and inflammation.
Ashwagandha, a traditional Ayurvedic adaptogen, has demonstrated efficacy in reducing stress and anxiety in clinical studies, with a notable impact on biological stress markers such as cortisol levels. Its anxiolytic effects are supported by improvements in both subjective stress scores and hormonal balances, suggesting a moderating influence on the hypothalamus-pituitary-adrenal axis. Additionally, it has been associated with better sleep quality, especially in those with stress-related sleep disturbances. The herb’s combined stress-reducing, anti-anxiety, sleep-enhancing, and anti-inflammatory properties, due to its bioactive compounds, make it a potentially beneficial supplement for travelers coping with the various demands of travel
Ashwagandha is a really cool plant and if you are interested in knowing more about it, we have a whole web page dedicated to how cool Ashwagandha is.
- Guarana: This natural source of caffeine helps increase alertness and concentration without the jitters or crashes commonly associated with synthetic stimulants. Guarana has been praised for its energy-boosting effects in numerous peer-reviewed studies.
- Vitamin D: Often referred to as the “sunshine vitamin,” vitamin D plays a crucial role in regulating your body’s internal clock. Numerous studies have linked vitamin D deficiency to sleep disturbances, making it an essential component for jetlag relief.
- Elderberry: Known for its immune-boosting properties, elderberry helps fortify your body’s defenses, which can be compromised during long flights and travel. Peer-reviewed research highlights elderberry’s effectiveness in reducing the severity and duration of cold and flu symptoms, which can often accompany jetlag.
- Rhodiola: This adaptogenic herb has been shown to combat fatigue, enhance mental clarity, and reduce stress. Peer-reviewed studies have praised rhodiola for its ability to improve cognitive function and combat the physical and mental toll of jetlag.